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Dalipal Organized Parent-Child Series Activities about "International Children’s Day "

发布时间 2022-06-02

In order to further enhance employees' sense of acquisition, happiness and belonging, Dalipal has recently launched Series Activities about "International Children’s Day " .

On 28 May, in the activity of "Holding Big Hands with Small Hands to Celebrate 1 June", employees from various departments and their family members took their children to participate in the "Childhood Fun", "Dream Arrow",“Kangaroo Jump"  "Shiatsu Challenge", "Visca Giant Painting",etc. in the company's sports field, and shared a delicious lunch in the company’s canteen. More than a hundred of "big friends" and their children were immersed in the atmosphere of joy, and the scene was full of laugh; on 2 June, the professional training called" Three Courses are Required to Take by Excellent Parents " was launched by hired senior training expert, guided every paticipant to think about parent-child relationship through scenario exercises, and taught working parents to cultivate high-quality parent-child relationship. Many employees who participated in the training on the spot shed tears and said that they have learned a lot from the training.

Employees and their families who were unable to attend on-site watched and actively participated in the live broadcast. The cumulative number of online visitors reached 2,300.

Dalipal has always attached great importance to the construction of corporate culture and deepened employee care, and has always adhered to the corporate tenet of "creating value for customers, creating opportunities for employees, creating strength for enterprises, and creating harmony for society", and organized various activities, actively committed to enriching the spare time life of employees and their families, and to improve the happiness of employees.


