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The company held its 25th anniversary celebration event

发布时间 2023-09-19

The sky is cloudless blue, and the autumn breeze is refreshing. On 18 September, we celebrated Dalipal’s 25th birthday. Everyone gathered together to celebrate the company’s 25th anniversary.

At 8 o'clock on 18 September, the company in Bohai New Area and the high-tech area held a grand flag-raising ceremony simultaneously. Zhang Hongyao, secretary of the party branch and chairman of Dalipal Pipe, delivered a speech, expressing his heartfelt thanks to the Dalipal’s employees who have performed their duties with dedication and hard work, and called on all Dalipal people to stride forward on the new journey of "creating first-class, last for centuries", face the goal of "joining the first-class echelon of the industry", open up a new entrepreneurial path and be ready to start again with high spirits.


The company also well-prepared planned and organized various celebration activities so that every employee can participate to show their youthful vitality and share a beautiful life.


Honor belongs to the past, and pioneering is for the future. All Dalipal people will carry forward the past and open up the future, encourage self-innovation and change, concentrate on technological breakthroughs, focus on management improvement, condense and enhance core competitiveness, not be afraid of being the first adopter, "perform their respective duties well" and solve problems one by one, overcome difficulties and "do our respective responsibilities well", "turn the blade inward" with the self-revolutionary courage and hold the firm belief of "swearing to do it", create a new chapter for Dalipal people!