Media Center

The Company Organized Free Blood Donation Charity Activities

发布时间 2024-06-14

14th June is blood donation day. Dalipal and the Red Cross Association of Bohai New Area, Cangzhou City, once again carried out free blood donation activities. Lots of employees actively participated and conveyed the power of love with practical actions.



In recent years, the Company has continuously organized free blood donation charity activities. Each time, more than 100 employees actively participated in blood donation. The average effective blood donation volume per person exceeded 300 ml/time. The employee with the most blood donations has reached 9 times. Behind these numbers is the respect of Dalipal people for life and their responsibility to society.

Through each charity event, we not only sent hope to those in need, but also demonstrated the spirit of unity, friendship and dedication of Dalipal people, and implemented the corporate purpose of "Supporting the Society" with real actions!