Receiving resumes
Receiving resumes: Receiving resumes through job fairs, websites, mailboxes, employee referrals, etc.
Preliminary Resume Selection
Resume Primary Selection: Select the resume of the primary selection, meet the basic conditions, and prepare for the interview.
Organizing interviews
Organizing interview: It is divided into primary interview and recruitment interview. Primary interview is used to screen a large number of candidates. It is carried out one-to-one by telephone, E-mail, letters and other means. The manager of human resources department examines the qualified resume of primary selection. Graduates, technical posts, management posts, key operating posts and special talents are selected by the company through centralized interviews. Other personnel, such as ordinary front-line posts, can be interviewed by the person in charge of the employing unit and the manager of the human resources department to determine whether they are recruited or not.
Skills testing
Skills testing: According to the requirements of the recruitment position and the specific situation of the candidates, the employer is informed to carry out skills testing.
Background Survey
Experience survey: Experience survey should be conducted when recruiting mature talents to confirm the qualifications and experiences of candidates. The results of the survey are recorded in the Background Survey Registration Form.
Employment confirmation
Employment confirmation: According to the results of interview, skill test and experience investigation, the employer will make suggestions after confirmation with the person in charge of the employer, and inform the applicant of the results.
Physical examination
Physical Examination: The prospective employee must undergo physical examination in a hospital at or above the county level. After passing the physical examination, the Human Resources Department will issue a written employment or report notice.
Report to
Registration: Employees must report in accordance with the appointment or registration notice within the prescribed time. At the time of registration, the HR Department handled the formalities according to the entry process according to the "Dalip Company's Entry Signature". Those who fail to report after the deadline are deemed to give up voluntarily. Special circumstances must be specified in advance, and the registration time can be adjusted only after approval.
Receiving resumes: Receiving resumes through job fairs, websites, mailboxes, employee referrals, etc.